Promise of Wizard Wiki
Faust 2nd Anni Door
Profile Story Cards Chibi Outfits Gallery Dialogue
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Outfits Gallery Dialogue

"I don’t want to save the world anymore. I’m tired of being betrayed."

Faust (ファウスト) is a wizard that resides within the Eastern Country. A serious yet gloomy man who curses often. He has a strong hatred towards humans and is reluctant to play the role of the Sage Wizard. Nonetheless, he can be an amazing leader from time-to-time.


✶ Background

Faust was born in Central Country during an era of intense political instability and a decentralized government. His father left his family when he was very young, so his mother raised him alongside his sisters. Faust was childhood friends with Alec Granvelle, whom he shared a deep bond with. Alec knew Faust was a wizard, but he kept his identity a secret — meanwhile, he preached to everyone in the village about how it was wrong that humans and wizards hated each other, and that they should work together to create a harmonic world. Eventually, Alec started to gain followers, and with Faust by his side, they managed to start a revolution that had the intentions of establishing a country where humans and wizards could coexist peacefully. By this time, Faust let his identity as a wizard be known, and he remembers this era as the happiest of his life.

Wanting to get the power that would be needed to make his and Alec's revolution succeed, Faust traveled to Northern Country and asked Figaro, who was known as a great and powerful wizard, to be his teacher. Figaro agreed, and they developed a bond of mutual trust and respect. Figaro also agreed to join Faust's cause — even though he didn't really believe in it, he thought that an ideal world where humans and wizards lived in peace with each other "sounded nice."

However, after Alec lost his arm during one of the battles, he started to become a different person entirely. Due to Faust's inability to handle political squabbles, Alec started to mistrust him and suspect him of treason. The suspicions grew to the point where Alec decided to imprison Faust and throw him in a cell, which Lennox, Faust's servant and member of their army, held the key of. Lennox begged Faust to let him set him free, but Faust denied, saying it would only make Alec distrust him even more. Faust still believed his childhood friend would come to his senses until the moment where Alec sentenced him to die by being burned at the stake. Lennox managed to save Faust and take him to a cabin in the woods where he tended to his wounds. During the last battle, Figaro also abandoned the frontlines, leaving Faust on his own. Hurt and betrayed by those whom he cared about, Faust left the cabin and disappeared without saying a word to Lennox.

Faust eventually settled in Eastern Country, where he lived in a cottage in the woods away from all civilization for 400 years until he was summoned as a Sage's Wizard. He also started to work as a curseworker who specializes in messing with people's fortunes.

✶ Part 1.0

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✶ 1st Anniversary

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Background Granvelle Hall (Thorns)

Granvelle Castle after falling to the curse.

✶ 2nd Anniversary

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✶ Part 2.0

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✶ 4th Anniversary

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Faust is a man who has an appearance fitting of a recluse/shut-in. Broody and moody, just like his personality, his attire compliments that part of Faust. Faust has brilliant, purple slanted eyes and wavy yet messy greenish-brown hair that has an ombre effect. His attire consists of duller and darker colors with barely any skin showing. Faust wears a long, buttoned item of clothing that is similar to a dress, accompanied by a cape with runes and writings patterning the inner part of the cloth. His main features are his hat and round tinted glasses. His wizard crest is located on his left shoulder blade, and is notably larger than the other wizards'.


Faust presents himself as serious, gloomy and unapproachable. The fact that he is a curseworker gives credibility to this. He enjoys solitude and quiet, and is known to rarely leave his room during his residency in the Magical Headquarters. He oftens self-depreciates and his words can be harsh and cold. He holds deep grudges and resentments in his heart, towards humans and the whole world in general. However, his facade as a gloomy curseworker hides someone who's kind, earnest and digillent. He especially cares about the other Eastern wizards, and is dedicated to being a good teacher to them. He can be a great leader when it's necessary, even if he feels insecure about his abilities to lead due to his past. He sometimes shares late night drinks with Nero, and seems to enjoy the time he spends with the other Easterners, even if he pretends otherwise. Likewise, he is very fond of cats, but will always deny it when asked. To those who manage to crack through his walls, Faust is caring and devoted. Still, he struggles to let himself feel happiness out of feelings of unworthiness and guilt, and he keeps his distance even from his loved ones. Due to being Central-born, Faust is deeply honest and has a strong sense of justice and doesn't like to do unlawful things, and scolds Nero every time he considers stealing something.


  • It is theorized that Faust is based from "The Legend of Faust" and "Doctor Faustus".
  • His designated major arcana card is “IX: The Hermit.”
  • It is also theorized that his background pulls heavy inspiration from that of Jeanne d’Arc's story.
  • Faust's first appearance in the Anime also coincided with his birth date.